客製化法國【Clare 可雷爾316陶瓷保溫瓶】
Do you know that 90% of thermos flasks are from China!

Do you know that 90% of thermos flasks are from China! There are currently very few thermos bottle manufacturers made in Taiwan~ If you want to have a high-quality thermos bottle made in Taiwan that can be customized as a holiday gift/member shop gift/company anniversary etc., please contact us!
©Custmize 316 Clare Thermos
Name: Clare 316 Thermos
Size: 500ml & 660ml
Color: Iron/ Golden Rose
Made in Taiwan
Customize: Logo (need to provide your Ai, either print or engraving)
©Approved SGS
SUS 316 stainless SUS 316(16~18% chromium、10~14% nickel、2~3% molybdenum)and And iron composition, the nickel content is slightly higher, enhance the ability of acid and alkali resistance; the addition of molybdenum can also make the bottle body anti-rust characteristics better than SUS 304!
Welcome government agencies /corporate groups and oversea customers to make customized thermos~
大家知不知道90%的保溫瓶都是來自中國! 目前台灣製的保溫瓶廠商已經所剩無幾了~ 想要擁有高品質又可以客製化台灣製的保溫瓶當做節日贈品/ 會員來店禮/ 公司周年慶等用途歡迎來洽詢喔!
品名: Clare 可雷爾316真空全鋼杯
容量尺寸: 500ml & 660 ml
顏色: 淺鐵灰/ 玫瑰金
客製: Logo (需提供Ai檔,可雷雕或印刷)
SUS 316不鏽鋼 SUS 316(16~18%鉻、10~14%鎳、2~3%鉬)及鐵組成的,鎳含量稍高,增強耐酸鹼的能力;鉬的添加也可讓瓶身抗鏽蝕的特性比SUS 304更好!
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